The brewery of Pedavena (Belluno - Italy)

We do not give up!

Even thank to your support we have obtained a first result.

In fact on Friday 3rd December 2004 at the Industrials Association of Belluno an agreement has been subscribed between the Heineken and the Trade Unions, which postpones the date of the end of the production until 31/07/05.

Besides, Heineken has declared that it will not set any preliminary question against the selling of the brewery.

NEVERTHELESS WE SHALL NOT STOP: it is necessary to continue, so that Heineken's intentions may become real facts and there may be a future in the activity of beer production at Pedavena.

We are not going to assist unperturbed at the destruction of a site not only historically important (Pedavena is the oldest brewery in Italy), but also of a plant highly productive and endowed with great professional skills, being also an integrating part of the district where it is set.

We therefore are asking for everyone's help to prevent this closing down.

Please join in our complaint, together with the 17.000 people who already signed at the stands we prepared in the district, by filling in and sending the form below.

(*) Only the fields with the asterisk are compulsory. By filling in the form and sending your data, you agree upon their treatment according to the law as indicated below:

Informative about the privacy:

As foreseen by arts.7 and 13 of the D.Lgs. 196/2003, with the subscription I authorize the Unitary Trade-union Representations of the plant of beer of Pedavena, et exactly to Mr. Davide De Martini Bonan, to the treatment of my personal data, in the respect of the norm on the privacy. The treatment of the data will be exercised with means manual and/or by computer for scopes inherent the search of solutions to avoid the closing of the brewery of Pedavena. In every moment I will be able to exercise my rights with the holder of the treatment with respect to the purpose and modality of the treatment, to update, to rectifies, to cancel and to deny the permission to the same treatment, simply sending one email to Mr. Davide De Martini Bonan, at the address

Your e-mail address will be readable only by the site master.

For safety reasons a system of IP address recording is working. Misuses will be signaled to the competent authorities.

Till now we have 27202 subscriptions.

Nr. Surname Name Location Date and time
12952 ottaviani matteo Verona 12/10/2004 01:54:22
12951 muraro marco vicenza 12/10/2004 01:21:26
12950 Beri Marco Azzate 12/10/2004 01:19:43
12949 Tiso Mauro Padova 12/10/2004 01:19:02
12948 Ermacora Claudio Treppo Grande 12/10/2004 01:08:37
12947 simioni andrea resana 12/10/2004 00:52:22
12946 Andreella Manuela Belluno 12/10/2004 00:50:57
12945 ROSSI ALESSANDRO BELLUNO 12/10/2004 00:47:35
12944 Pauletto Matteo Breganze 12/10/2004 00:46:56
12943 Fasan Paolo Montebelluna(TV) 12/10/2004 00:41:15
12942 FILIPPI MAURO SERNAGLIA 12/10/2004 00:35:27
12941 Baracchi Claudio Mestre 12/10/2004 00:24:09
12940 Facchini Armando Walter Sesto San Giovanni 11/10/2004 22:43:31
12939 fiocco andrea canale d'agordo 11/10/2004 22:40:21
12938 Bellingeri Alessandro Carezzano (AL) 11/10/2004 22:35:17
12937 Polato Roberto Stra 11/10/2004 22:34:56
12936 zane dimitri san giorgio di nogaro (Ud) 11/10/2004 22:30:09
12935 de cecco carlo milano 11/10/2004 22:26:09
12934 ciusa tamara milano 11/10/2004 22:25:33
12933 Visentin Giovanni Maserą di Padova 11/10/2004 22:25:19
12932 Boero Alessandro Frassino (Cn) 11/10/2004 22:24:52
12931 moioli Sara san vendemiano 11/10/2004 22:19:07
12930 Ranieri Moreno Feletto Umberto ( UD ) 11/10/2004 22:14:40
12929 tummolini giancarlo lavagna 11/10/2004 22:06:55
12928 Rigon Claus Pozzoleone (VI) 11/10/2004 22:04:28
12927 Michielan Alberto Mogliano Veneto 11/10/2004 22:03:09
12926 zonta daniele S.Anna di Rosą (VI) 11/10/2004 22:02:09
12925 meneghin gilberto quero 11/10/2004 22:00:39
12924 Crosta Fabio Maserą(Pd) 11/10/2004 21:59:11
12923 ZANDONA' VANNI CORNUDA TV 11/10/2004 21:56:19
12922 DE VIRTIS ROBERTO MESTRE 11/10/2004 21:55:00
12920 Panzieri Serena Cappella Maggiore (TV) 11/10/2004 21:53:42
12919 CARLO COSTA NOVE (VI) 11/10/2004 21:52:59
12918 Beltrame Andrea Copparo (FE) 11/10/2004 21:52:42
12916 bazzanella paolo TRENTO 11/10/2004 21:52:06
12914 COSTA DAVIDE NOVE (VI) 11/10/2004 21:51:04
12913 Ronzon Daniela Vigo di Cadore 11/10/2004 21:49:37
12912 Petroni Mariagrazia Vigo di Cadore 11/10/2004 21:48:32
12911 lorenzon leonardo Villorba (TV) 11/10/2004 21:47:36
12910 Da Corte Laura Castellavazzo (BL) 11/10/2004 21:45:54
12909 Lorusso Giovanni Sedico 11/10/2004 21:44:36
12908 Fumiani Filippo Valdagno 11/10/2004 21:43:14
12907 Sella Danilo San Vito di L. 11/10/2004 21:41:19
12906 Pierotti Giorgetta Padova 11/10/2004 21:36:05
12905 DIBONA GIORGIO CORTINA D'AMPEZZO 11/10/2004 21:35:25
12904 Mengato Luca Tribano (PD) 11/10/2004 21:34:54
12903 rizzi rosanna Annone Veneto 11/10/2004 21:34:21
12902 ZANELLA FLORINDA CORTINA D'AMPEZZO 11/10/2004 21:34:16
12901 STIEN ENRICO CORTINA D'AMPEZZO 11/10/2004 21:33:05
12900 granziol antonio treviso 11/10/2004 21:33:03
12898 pierotti cei oretta pavia 11/10/2004 21:30:01
12897 Ferraro Massimo Altivole 11/10/2004 21:28:13
12896 precoma simone cornuda 11/10/2004 21:26:04
12895 De Biasi andrč Conegliano 11/10/2004 21:25:58
12894 Micheletto Simone Molvena (VI) 11/10/2004 21:25:53
12893 Artuso Laura Carrč 11/10/2004 21:20:05
12892 gerlin alessandra fener 11/10/2004 21:19:05
12891 gnemmi paolo busto arsizio 11/10/2004 21:15:12
12890 Panciera Alberto Casier (TV) 11/10/2004 21:12:06
12889 vedana franco sedico 11/10/2004 21:11:42
12888 da vinchie sabrina DOMEGGE DI CADORE 11/10/2004 21:09:53
12887 Sernaglia Angelo Soligo (TV) 11/10/2004 21:09:12
12886 De Cal Elda Treviso 11/10/2004 21:07:38
12885 Ciciliot Ilo Treviso 11/10/2004 21:07:12
12884 Graca Ludmilla Hochheim(Germania) 11/10/2004 21:06:19
12883 Dal Grande Antonio Villanuova sul Clisi 11/10/2004 21:04:53
12882 Facchini Luca Treviso 11/10/2004 21:01:42
12881 Merlin Michele Cerea (VR) 11/10/2004 21:00:50
12880 Tolin Andrea S.Angelo Di Piove (Pd) 11/10/2004 20:57:42
12879 Carloni Paolo ancona 11/10/2004 20:57:05
12878 veronese maurizio padova 11/10/2004 20:56:14
12877 Boschin Enrico Noale 11/10/2004 20:55:55
12876 Ciciliot Michele Germania 11/10/2004 20:53:57
12875 Rigo Alberto crespano del grappa 11/10/2004 20:52:40
12874 Eger Enrico Mussolente (VI) 11/10/2004 20:50:18
12873 barichello stefano borso del grappa 11/10/2004 20:50:16
12872 da ronch barbara beluno 11/10/2004 20:46:46
12871 Martini Enrico cerea (VR) 11/10/2004 20:46:28
12870 Rigoni Elena Vicenza 11/10/2004 20:44:45
12869 forestan matteo bassano 11/10/2004 20:42:47
12868 Fassetta Riccardo Mogliano Veneto (TV) 11/10/2004 20:42:38
12867 Gnech Elisabeth Feltre 11/10/2004 20:42:35
12866 frapporti monica trichiana (BL) 11/10/2004 20:39:58
12865 Vascon Sebastiano Venezia 11/10/2004 20:39:28
12864 Vascon Tommaso Venezia 11/10/2004 20:39:00
12863 lunardon erica breganze 11/10/2004 20:37:22
12862 poli andrea schiavon 11/10/2004 20:36:19
12861 grendene attilio Bressanvido (VI) 11/10/2004 20:35:49
12860 Pezzolo Anna Torri di Quartesolo VI 11/10/2004 20:31:15
12859 Borsoi Aldo treviso 11/10/2004 20:29:56
12858 Borsoi Giulio Treviso 11/10/2004 20:29:21
12857 mantese sabrina Treviso 11/10/2004 20:28:56
12856 Frena Carlo Agordo 11/10/2004 20:28:49
12855 Tessaro Davide Pederobba (TV) 11/10/2004 20:23:32
12854 Mordini Alessandro Recanati(Mc) 11/10/2004 20:23:19
12853 Piol Roberta Refrontolo (TV) 11/10/2004 20:22:19
12852 Chiari Sergio Calenzano 11/10/2004 20:20:03
12851 Pegoretti Michela Trento 11/10/2004 20:19:40
12850 Piva Alberto Vedelago(TV) 11/10/2004 20:19:18
12849 canton marco pordenone 11/10/2004 20:18:09
12848 Centinaio manuela Pavia 11/10/2004 20:17:36
12847 Munaro Gianluca Trebaseleghe (PD) 11/10/2004 20:17:34
12846 Crepaz Catia agordo 11/10/2004 20:16:12
12845 Bet Bruno Pieve di soligo 11/10/2004 20:11:59
12844 De Micheli Enrico Verona 11/10/2004 20:09:00
12843 Scartaccini Robin Sondrio 11/10/2004 20:07:59
12842 righetto massimiliano transacqua 11/10/2004 20:02:22
12841 Castellan Riccardo Treviso 11/10/2004 20:00:16
12840 Basso Omero san doną di piave 11/10/2004 19:52:37
12839 Fiorin Stefano Sant0Angelo di Piove 11/10/2004 19:48:15
12838 Pollazzon Luca Mestre 11/10/2004 19:47:13
12837 Perticarini Mauro Porto Sant'Elpidio 11/10/2004 19:46:23
12836 Favara Giovanni Vittorio Veneto 11/10/2004 19:45:15
12835 Tibolla Diego Canale d'Agordo 11/10/2004 19:44:57
12834 bianchini federico venezia 11/10/2004 19:38:46
12833 Gazzato Annalisa Venezia 11/10/2004 19:37:51
12832 Beninca' Emanuele Carmignano 11/10/2004 19:36:28
12831 Bignolini Alessandro Udine 11/10/2004 19:33:32
12830 Zuccarello Gianni Treviso 11/10/2004 19:33:21
12829 fasan marco fossalta 11/10/2004 19:24:35
12828 Artuso Angelo Treviso 11/10/2004 19:18:56
12827 mandelli elio mestre 11/10/2004 19:17:24
12826 Sartor Teresa Pedavena 11/10/2004 19:17:10
12825 Fabris Maurizio Gorizia 11/10/2004 19:16:26
12824 segati oscar ponte nelle alpi 11/10/2004 19:16:00
12823 Sartor Egidio Pedavena 11/10/2004 19:15:30
12822 Trojetto Stefania Castello di Godego (TV) 11/10/2004 19:13:16
12821 Ganz Daniela Feltre 11/10/2004 19:12:24
12820 SCHIAVON cristiano padova 11/10/2004 19:11:45
12819 Marchesini Josč Vicenza 11/10/2004 19:11:22
12818 Ganz Roberta Feltre 11/10/2004 19:10:51
12817 Bertoncello Michela Bassano del Grappa 11/10/2004 19:08:54
12816 Anapoli Carlo Zugliano 11/10/2004 19:07:40
12815 Martel Roberta venezia 11/10/2004 19:07:21
12814 storer fabio treviso 11/10/2004 19:05:55
12813 Miatello Luisa Morgano(Tv) 11/10/2004 19:04:10
12812 Pellizzari Alberto Treviso 11/10/2004 19:03:14
12811 favaro andrea marcon 11/10/2004 19:02:49
12810 De Bona Valter Belluno 11/10/2004 19:01:56
12809 santoli vito padova 11/10/2004 19:01:00
12808 dal santo mirko thiene 11/10/2004 18:59:55
12807 furlanetto sandro treviso 11/10/2004 18:55:37
12806 arturo capoggiri roma 11/10/2004 18:55:03
12805 Luciani Caterina Milano 11/10/2004 18:54:55
12804 Freda Antonio Cassola 11/10/2004 18:54:24
12803 brillo enrico piove di sacco (pd) 11/10/2004 18:50:24
12802 levorin davide teolo 11/10/2004 18:47:44
12801 Forcellini Francesca Treviso 11/10/2004 18:47:35
12800 Corrą Francesco Vicenza 11/10/2004 18:45:03
12799 Senatore Giuseppe Carlo Cassola 11/10/2004 18:44:51
12798 Zucca Achille Cagliari 11/10/2004 18:44:47
12797 Granata Daniele Lodi 11/10/2004 18:44:31
12796 de marchi silvio arsié 11/10/2004 18:44:24
12795 moleti francesco napoli 11/10/2004 18:44:08
12794 Piccolo Gianluca Mestrino(PD) 11/10/2004 18:43:29
12793 bertorelle raffaele vicenza 11/10/2004 18:41:30
12792 gualandri umberto treviso 11/10/2004 18:40:05
12791 ellero ilaria vicenza 11/10/2004 18:40:01
12790 tracino daniele genova 11/10/2004 18:39:45
12789 scrugli maria luisa Nuoro 11/10/2004 18:39:10
12788 marcon filippo castelminio - TV 11/10/2004 18:38:35
12787 Bricalli luca Pedevilla (CH) 11/10/2004 18:38:21
12786 Manca di Nissa Massimiliano Cagliari 11/10/2004 18:38:11
12785 Moscatiello Massimiliano Napoli 11/10/2004 18:37:03
12784 ZABOT ROBERTO PEDAVENA 11/10/2004 18:36:50
12783 Davanzo Alberto Martellago(VE) 11/10/2004 18:36:11
12782 centinaio gian marco pavia 11/10/2004 18:36:10
12781 centenaro alessandro mirano (VE) 11/10/2004 18:36:01
12780 Meneghin Aaron Vittorio Veneto 11/10/2004 18:35:49
12779 dall'osto manuel vicenza 11/10/2004 18:35:00
12778 Aguiari Roberto Roma 11/10/2004 18:34:07
12777 torresan greta cassola 11/10/2004 18:33:37
12776 Lilliu Carlo Montebelluna 11/10/2004 18:32:47
12775 Marcante Massimo Schio 11/10/2004 18:32:12
12774 Carlin Lucia Venezia 11/10/2004 18:26:10
12773 Tonetto Enrico Padova 11/10/2004 18:24:43
12772 ginelli massimo crema 11/10/2004 18:24:14
12771 sandro simonetto cassola 11/10/2004 18:23:12
12770 pegoraro stefano schio 11/10/2004 18:23:09
12769 Damiani Rossana Lodi 11/10/2004 18:22:49
12768 colognese nicola isola della scala vr 11/10/2004 18:22:40
12767 Mastini Luca Lodi 11/10/2004 18:21:57
12766 Zuin Sabrina Stra / venezia 11/10/2004 18:21:55
12765 Berno Stefano Riese Pio x 11/10/2004 18:21:55
12764 Fonda Ilaria Tampa - USA 11/10/2004 18:21:53
12763 Norcen Daniele Vittorio Veneto TV 11/10/2004 18:21:26
12762 Fassera Roberto Milano 11/10/2004 18:20:28
12761 Bozzi Angelo peschiera Borromeo Mi 11/10/2004 18:19:35
12760 Tegon Paolo Treviso 11/10/2004 18:18:56
12759 Basso Michele San doną di piave 11/10/2004 18:16:20
12758 Modotto Daniele Udine 11/10/2004 18:14:52
12757 Pizzini Gianni Rovereto 11/10/2004 18:14:10
12756 Diego Tancon La Valle Agordina (BL) 11/10/2004 18:14:09
12755 Cattapan Giorgio padova 11/10/2004 18:13:59
12754 Vio Michele Venezia 11/10/2004 18:10:41
12753 Insaccanebbia Fabio Verona 11/10/2004 18:10:32
12752 Nicoli Luca Longarone 11/10/2004 18:08:45
12751 Tria Cecilia Genova 11/10/2004 18:06:56
12750 Betello Massimo Treviso 11/10/2004 18:06:20
12749 Agosto Fabio Udine 11/10/2004 18:05:09
12748 ROMANO RENATO Ponzano - TV 11/10/2004 18:02:05
12747 silvagni luca montefiore conca 11/10/2004 18:01:17
12746 Bertoncello Luca Cassola (VI) 11/10/2004 18:00:48
12745 Perin Enrico Cordenons (PN) 11/10/2004 17:58:35
12744 RONCHI FABIO CORNEDO VIC. 11/10/2004 17:57:47
12743 Basso Massimiliano Udine 11/10/2004 17:54:32
12742 piciocchi angelo trento 11/10/2004 17:54:32
12741 Tiso Lara Padova 11/10/2004 17:51:24
12740 De Salvador Clara Santa Giustina 11/10/2004 17:50:09
12739 pigozzi marco mirano Venezia 11/10/2004 17:48:11
12738 Fornasa Tiziano Tiziano Montebello Vi 11/10/2004 17:47:14
12737 Caron Federico Montecchio Maggiore Vi 11/10/2004 17:46:07
12736 BERNARD DARIO TRICHIANA 11/10/2004 17:45:02
12735 Gesuato Edi Borgoricco Padova 11/10/2004 17:43:56
12734 savani giuseppe udine 11/10/2004 17:43:41
12733 Comoletti Paolo Milano 11/10/2004 17:42:29
12732 Favaron Renato Cucciago 11/10/2004 17:41:50
12731 Fiorot Moira Santa Giustina 11/10/2004 17:41:44
12730 Pintus Marco bologna 11/10/2004 17:41:32
12729 Agnoli Laura Valle di Cadore (BL) 11/10/2004 17:39:53
12728 Casarin Manuel venezia 11/10/2004 17:38:07
12727 bertelle nicola pedavena 11/10/2004 17:35:40
12726 Barra Enrico Torino 11/10/2004 17:35:14
12725 Debiasi Luciano Trento 11/10/2004 17:33:53
12724 masini matteo belluno 11/10/2004 17:33:15
12723 scattolin diego trebaseleghe 11/10/2004 17:32:05
12722 Farinon Enrico CHIAMPO 11/10/2004 17:30:59
12721 gardin daniela belluno 11/10/2004 17:30:51
12720 cervo gabriele belluno 11/10/2004 17:29:54
12719 rossi silvia padova 11/10/2004 17:27:05
12718 di vincenzo giuseppe aosta 11/10/2004 17:27:04
12717 Milazzo Mario Sesto al Reghena 11/10/2004 17:26:25
12716 Vettoretti Andrea Valdobbiadene 11/10/2004 17:26:19
12715 favarin ivan bologna 11/10/2004 17:26:11
12714 Giuseppe Manfredi Roma 11/10/2004 17:26:09
12713 PIZZIOLO FRANCA VENEZIA 11/10/2004 17:23:45
12712 Malcovati Marcello Milano 11/10/2004 17:22:07
12711 Tono Marta Feltre 11/10/2004 17:21:58
12710 BERTON SANDRO VENEZIA 11/10/2004 17:21:18
12709 ishuara regis roma 11/10/2004 17:20:31
12708 BERTON ANDREA MESTRE 11/10/2004 17:19:52
12707 piovesan sandro veneto 11/10/2004 17:19:49
12706 piovesan silvio cornuda 11/10/2004 17:19:29
12705 Coluccio Gianluca Bruxelles 11/10/2004 17:19:13
12704 Peruzzo Roberto Rosą (VI) 11/10/2004 17:19:04
12703 Bortolami Fabio Padova 11/10/2004 17:16:34

Technical support by Bludev