The brewery of Pedavena (Belluno - Italy)

What's going on?

The Minister Maroni is interested to the "Pedavena case" and is ready to activate himself for it

Sources: Il Gazzettino and Il Corriere delle Alpi - 18/11/2004

The situation has been illustrated to the Minister of the Welfare, Roberto Maroni, by the parliamentarians Giovanni Crema, Maurizio Fistarol and Italo Sandi, from the City council member for Productive Activities of the Province of Belluno, Daniela Larese Filon and from Councilman of the Province and of the Common of Feltre, Gianvittore Vaccari (provincial secretary of the Lega Nord, already mayor of Feltre and grandson of the founder of the factory of beer of Pedavena). To the encounter some civil employees delegated from the Minister of the Productive Activities, Antonio Marzano, were present.

The Minister Maroni manifested attention and interest for the Heineken vicissitude, with the engagement to activate itself too in order to arrive to a solution that can be said "positive", attending the conclusion of the trade-union table in order not to "double" it. "It has been a productive talk... In the next weeks the two ministries will continue to collect information also contacting directly the company and after 3 December, last fixed appointment for the trade-union table, they will decide how to take part", declared the City council member Larese Filon.

At the moment the positions remain the known one, already expressed in an official documents of the Province of Belluno, of the other Local Agencies and of all the parliamentarians of Veneto, of majority and of opposition: the maintenance of the production and the brand "Pedavena", with an other producer, if Heineken confirmation to abandon, avoiding the breakage of the property in plant, restaurant, parking and park. "the positive aspect is that the encounter has been carried out and that the Government, through the two ministries of the Job and the Productive Activities, have been involved in the vicissitude" has declared the On. Fistarol.

Right after the meeting, Mr. Vaccari had a talk with Minister Maroni in order to speak about the occupational issue in its complex of the area of Belluno. "An engagement of all the interested actors is needed, Government comprised... and from this point of view the Minister seemed available and ready to receive the proposals that we will produce" Vaccari declared.

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